The #1 Way To Get 
Your Sales Team to the...

Big League!

For Entrepreneurs, Influencers & Business Owners Who Want Us To Build & Coach Their NEW All Star Sales Team! WARNING... REAL PLAYERS ONLY!

What Would A World Class Sales Team Mean For The Growth Of Your Business?

When you've been in the online marketing world as long as the Closer Secret's team... you soon realize there's no model quite as PROFITABLE as HIGH TICKET SALES...

Our team has seen it first hand over the last 15 years...

Businesses make the move to plugging in a High Ticket Sales Team... 

Businesses make the move to plugging in a High Ticket Sales Team...

...and what feels like OVERNIGHT, completely transform the trajectory of their companies!

The ones with the right plans and systems in place, that is...

Others struggle to even make it out onto the field...

Our mission is to help you discover exactly what it is that set's apart the winners and losers in High Ticket Sales...

We've got the Playbook, all that's left is to execute the plays!

Want Closer Secrets To Partner With You On Your Offer?

Book A Call Below.

When you partner with us... You supercharge Your Sales Arm With The Best In The Business!

Immediatelly Randall and Deborah will be coaching you and your team on exactly what to do to make it in High Ticket Sales...

Whether you're a solopreneur looking for the playbook for yourself or a Digital Marketing Veteran looking to scale up your next 8 Figure offer...

We have the ability to completely transform what High Ticket Sales means to you and your company...

Here are just some of the Exclusive Benefits Closer Secrets partners receive:

we Execute Plays With You From Our World Famous High Ticket Playbook!

Using the very same GAMEPLAN that has generated tens of millions of dollars for our clients...

Crafted from years of working with industry leaders such as:

Russell Brunson

Rudy Mawer

Adrian Morrison

Dean Graziosi

Keala Kanae

Jordan Mederich

Jared Goetz

Anthony Morrison

Alex Hormozi

Anik Singal

Jay Shetty

Christian Mikkelsen

Rasmus Mikkelsen

Alison Prince

Kale Abrahamson

Taylor Hiott

and many many more...

This "Playbook" has been iterated upon over hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sales... 

...wisdom marinated over a decade of being in the industry...

...and includes SECRET tactics, strategies, processes and systems that are being used to THIS DAY... by the very best minds in digital marketing.

Solve Any Sales Problem With Our Highly seasoned Sales Coaches.

Instantly add the value of our decades of experience to your business when you bring us in. Randall alone has spent 15+ years in High Ticket Sales

Whatever problems you're currently having... we've already seen them! 

Better yet... we've developed solutions for them...

Those solutions have been worth millions of dollars for our clients and they're going to be worth a whole lot plugged into your business too!

Our team are HANDS ON DAILY...

Getting immediate feedback from the sales team and helping them be the best versions of themselves!

We also record our calls so the knowledge is always right there on tap!

Attract & Retain World Class Sales Talent With Our T.E.A.M Culture & Top Tier Training!

A world class athlete joins a new team, what would their expectations be the first few weeks?

They would probably expect to train at well prepared training grounds, right?

The coach would arrive on time with a pre-crafted game plan...
-  Tracking their performance and plays... 
-  Then they would probably expect the coach to show them places where they can improve on a personal level... right?

The truth is... 

They wouldn't just expect it. They would accept nothing less... 

The same is true for World Class Sales Professionals.

After all... each of them are their own person...

With emotions... personal goals... egos...

The good news is... when you work with us you know that your TEAM is setup to retain top tier individuals, because we pay attention to all that and so much more!

We don't just meet expectations. We DELIGHT our sales reps...

We keep a high morale T.E.A.M culture and the bottom line is...

...we know what motivates an "A" Player!

We set a standard. Both of ourselves and of our professionals. Then we show recognition when an "A" Player is upholding that standard.

It's one of the KEYS to our long standing success.

Maintain A Fully Remote Sales Team That Love To Sell Your Offer!

Since 2020 the world has woken up to the benefits of working from home...

We, however have been running remote sales teams for years... and know exactly what you need to do to keep them buzzing about your offer!

We'll show you all of the systems that we've built to keep a WORLD CLASS sales team from anywhere in the world...

Setup With Our Battle Tested Systems That Drive Maximum Efficiency Of Your Sales Team

We've know exactly what works to generate RESULTS. 

No Fluff... no new-age unproven tactics...

Long standing systems that keep Dollars Per Lead and T.E.A.M Morale HIGH...

...and are plug and play no matter the offer!

Collaborate With Our Winning Script 
Format That Will Drive Maximum Sales!

A winning script guides qualified prospects to a buying decision and preserves the energy of the sales team. 

Even for top tier closers, it is important to provide them with a script. 

Not because the closer doesn’t know how to sell, but because the team as a whole needs structure.

Through our 10's of thousands of sales calls, we've developed a formula that can match any offer, because one thing always remains consistent - We're selling to human beings!

We don't use slick tactics or smoke and mirrors to sell your product to people that don't want or need it. 

We pull out the SOLUTION to your ideal customer's PROBLEMS from your offer. Then present it to them in a way that predictably generates sales over and over again.


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DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures stated above are Closer Secrets and our clients personal sales figures. Please understand our results are not typical, I'm not implying you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). We have the benefit of being in this industry for a long time, and have acquired expertise as a result. The average person who consumes any "how to" information gets little to no results. I am using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER.